RTI act


Right to Information Act, 2005, aims to provide set out the practical regime of Right to Information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of Public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. As Kerala Feeds Ltd. is a public sector Undertaking of Government of Kerala, it has taken steps for implementation of the act. Subsequent to the Government Order GO (P) No. 367/2005/Gad dated 10/10/2005 Company has nominated the following officers as per Act.

Appellate Authority Sri. Shibu A T, Managing Director
Public Information Officer Smt. Sreekala S, Manager (P & A) , Kallettumkara Unit
Assistant Public Information Officer Sri. Biju Anand, Deputy Manager (P&A),Kallettumkara Unit
Public Information Officer Smt. Seena G , Deputy Manager (QC), Karunagappally Unit
Public Information Officer Sri. Anoop P C, Deputy Manager (P&A), Thiruvangoor Unit
Procedure for Request of Information

The format of application for Information under Right to Information act - 2005 is as per the Extraordinary Kerala Gazette notification No.11259/Cdn.5/2006/GAD dated 9/5/2006 of General Administration (Co-ordination) department, Government of Kerala.

Apply in writing or through electronic means in Malayalam or English to the Public Information Officer of the Company. Application fee may be remitted as required.

Mode of Payment of Fee under Right to Information Act, 2005 shall be by cash, or by Demand Draft/bankers cheque/pay order payable to the Public Information Officer/ Assistant Public Information Officer.

List of Documents Under RTI in Kerala Feeds Ltd.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Standing orders
  • Staff Rules and Regulations
  • Delegation of powers of officers
  • Group Insurance Scheme
  • Group Medi-claim Insurance Scheme
  • ISO 9001 Documents
  • Office Orders from time to time
  • Dealership Policy
  1. The organizational and functional details:

    Kerala Feeds Ltd., a Kerala Government Company, was set up in 1995, incorporated under the Companies Act. The total project cost was approximately Rs. 3,240 lakhs, out of which Rs. 2,109 lakh is Government equity, Rs. 631 lakhs is share holding of various co-operative/Public Sector Undertakings and Rs.500 lakhs is term loan from Nationalized bank. The Company is headed by a Board of Directors. The plant was commissioned in late 1998 and commercial production could start in January 1999, with one shift only. The second and third shift operations commenced in June 1999 and July 2000 respectively.

    The unit is located in Kallettumkara Village in Mukundapuram Taluk of Thrissur District, Kerala, India beside the Palghat – Ernakulam Railway line and about 7 km from Chalakudy and 9 km from Irinjalakuda. The plant is situated in 27 acres of land.



      Headed by : Sri. Sudheer N G - Manager Projects

      1. Project Identification
      2. Project Preparation ( Feasibility Study)
      3. Project Appraisal ( Scrutiny & Selection )
      4. Project Programming (Detailing )
      5. Project Implementation
      6. Project Completion & Commissioning

      Headed by : Smt. Usha Padmanabhan- AGM(Purchase)


      Planning and procurement of Raw Materials and Packing Materials required for Manufacture of Cattle Feed & Mineral Mixture Plant, Spares and Capital items required for Engineering Stores, Lab Equipments , Glass wares and Chemicals, Furniture and Fixtures, other miscellaneous items.

      All purchases of materials other than that of local purchases pertaining to the units are centralized at the Corporate Office at Kallettumkara.

      Karunagapally Unit

      Headed by: Smt. Seena G - Deputy Manager - QC


      Headed by :

      • Sri . Francis P P –Dy. Manager Marketing (Northern and Central Regions)
      • Shi. Shine S Babu, Dy. Manager Marketing(Southern Region)
      1. Advertisement, Marketing & Sales Promotion activities coming under the purview of Marketing Department shall be centralized.
      2. Preparation of proposals/agenda items for the Board Meeting relating to the area of work allotted to him and implementation of Board’s Decision.
      3. Preparation of correspondences with the Govt. relating to the area of work allotted to him and submission of the same for Managing Director’s approval.

      Headed by: Smt.Sreekala S-Manager (Corporate Head of Personnel & Administration)


      The following corporate functions entrusted shall be centralized.

      1. Recruitment, Induction and placement.
      2. Framing Personnel Policies and Rules.
      3. Creation and Abolition of Posts
      4. Promotions, Transfers and Postings
      5. Disciplinary Actions
      6. Resignations, Retirements and Superannuation
      7. Annual Performance appraisals
      8. Maintenance of Service Records and Personnel Files.
      9. Issue of Salary/ Service/Experience certificate to employees
      10. Framing and maintenance Gratuity of employees
      11. Framing of welfare schemes such as provident fund, ESI, Gratuity Medical Benefits, Group Personnel Accident Insurance, Deposits linked insurance, Incentive schemes, Bonus, Pension etc.
      12. Trade Union Matters.
      13. Industrial relations.
      14. Administrative functions of the Company.

      Kallettumkara Unit

      Headed by: Sri. Sudheer N G , Manager Projects

      1. Wages/salary/Overtime/Stipend to Apprentices and Trainees, preparations of wages/ salary of Contract/ Casual Employees of Corporate Office and various units
      2. Preparation of Wages of Head Load Workers of Kallettumkara Unit.
      3. Implementation of welfare schemes such as Provident Fund, ESI, Gratuity, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Deposit Linked Insurance, Incentive Schemes, Bonus, Pension etc. at Kallettumkara Unit based on the policies framed by the Corporate Office for the Unit.
      4. Submission of reports and returns under various Labour Laws and other applicable statutes for Corporate Office and various units.
      5. Timely forwarding of Statutory dues such as PF, ESI, Professional Tax, TDS etc. to Finance & Accounts Department for payments in respect of deductions effected from Salary/ Wages of Corporate Office and various units.
      6. Timely forwarding of deductions effected from Salary/Wages of Corporate Office and various units towards various loans, LIC Premium, SLI, GIP etc. to Finance & Accounts Department for payments.
      7. Timely forwarding of various rates and taxes such as factory license renewal fee, professional tax and such other rates and taxes for corporate office and various units to Finance & Accounts Department.
      8. Identification of training needs and imparting training to employees at Kallettumkara Unit.
      9. Representation and grievance of employees pertaining to the subject/work allotted to them in Kallettumkara Unit.
      10. Trade Union matters and meeting/negotiations with the Trade Unions of workers and Head Load Workers in Kallettumkara Unit
      11. Long term and other settlements/agreements with the Trade Unions of workers and Head Load workers in Kallettumkara Unit.
      12. Supervision of Security Personnel engaged in Corporate Office and Kallettumkara Unit and imparting necessary instructions to them.
      13. House keeping activities of corporate office and Kallettumkara Unit
      14. Custodion of vehicles maintained at Kallettumkara except that of MD’s vehicle. Shall look after allotment, repairs, maintenance, insurance and also keeping of log book for such vehicles.
      15. All other Personnel and Administrative functions relating to Kallettumkara unit

      Karunagapally Unit

      Headed by: Smt. Seena G, Deputy Manager -QC

      Thiruvangoor Unit

      Headed By: Sri. Anoop P C - Deputy Manager (P&A)

      Arikkuzha Unit

      Headed By: Sri. Prem Koshy Philip - Assistant Manager (P&M)

      Athavanad Unit:

      Headed By: Sri. Santhosh K C - Assistant Manager (P&M)

      Muthalamada Unit:

      Headed By: Sri. Krishnan S - Deputy Manager (P&M)


      Headed by : Sri. Pramod M , Manager Materials

      1. Receipt of Raw material
      2. Issue of Raw material
      3. Receipt of spares
      4. Issue of spares
      5. Receipt of finished feed
      6. Despatch of finished feed
      7. Inventory control


      Headed by : Sri. Sudheer N G - Manager (Production & Maintenance.)


      The functions of Production & Maintenance Department includes Planning & Execution of Production Schedule, Maintenance of Equipments and Machineries. Department also initiate development works related to R&D for supporting plant activities and undertake new projects.


      Headed by : Dr. Anuraj K S, - Asst. Manager (QC&FAL)

      1. Incoming Raw material Quality Control
      2. Inprocess Quality Control
      3. Finished Feed Quality Control
      4. Extension Activities related to feeds & Feeding
      5. Analysis of external feed and raw material samples
      6. Research & Development Activities

      Headed by: Sri. Rajasekharan K.N. - Manager (F&A)


      Finance Functions:

      1. Optimum utilization of funds without endangering the financial solvency of the Company through decisions such as Capital Budgeting, Profit Planning, Tax Management and Working Capital Management.
      2. To ensure control over expenses by constantly monitoring actual with that of budgeted figures.
      3. To find out room for Cost control and Cost reduction by constantly monitoring various operational activities.

      Accounting Functions:

      1. Receipts and payments of money are accurately recorded so that all payables and receivables are correctly reflected.
      2. All Assets and Liabilities are recorded and classified properly in accordance with Statutory requirements to reflect the financial position of the company as at a particular date.
      3. All Income and Expenses of a particular period are accurately reflected in accordance with relevant statutes to gauge the working results of that period.
      4. To ensure truth and fairness of financial statements namely Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account.

      Headed by: Smt. Vidya Unnikrishnan - Company Secretary

      1. To conduct Board Meetings, Audit Committee Meetings and share holders Meetings as per the provisions of Companies Act, 1956.
      2. To file periodical returns to the authorities concerned as per Companies Act, 1956.
      3. To prepare the agenda notes for the above meetings and Minutes of meetings and co-ordinate with Departments for implementation of Board’s decisions.

      Headed by: Sri. Manoj E P – Asst. Manager

      1. Electronic Data Processing (EDP) of the company in vital areas such as Purchase Management, Marketing Management, Management Information Systems etc.
      2. Development and maintenance of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Solutions in the Company.
      3. Maintenance of software as well as hardware.
      4. Timely up-gradation of software and hardware.
      5. Establishing high-end Communication as well as computer technologies to the Company.
      6. Arrange adequate exposure of new cutting edge technologies to the employees.
  3. A statement of categories of documents that are held by the Organisation/institution and under its control


      Documents held by the Department:

      All files related with various projects of Kerala Feeds Ltd.


      Documents held by the Department:
      1. All Files, Faxes and records related to the purchases- Item wise.
      2. Minutes of Purchase Committee Meetings.

      Documents held by the Department:

      All files, registers and documents related to the above functions.


      Documents held by the Department:

      The department deals with the files pertaining to all activities related to production, Maintenance, Development Works and Projects.


      Documents held by the Department:
      1. Personal files of employees
      2. All Files related with the above functions.

      Documents held by the Department:

      Corresponding ledgers ,stock statements, monthly statements with regard to the above are the major documents


      Documents held by the Department:
      1. Files pertaining to all activities in the Feed Analytical Laboratory
      2. Records for Quality control activities

      Documents held by the Department:

      All relevant Books of Accounts required to be maintained as per the requirements of applicable statutes.


      Documents held by the Department:
      1. Agenda Notes of various meetings
      2. Minutes of various meetings
      3. Copy of returns filed with authorities
      4. Various registers maintained under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956

      Documents held by the Department:
      1. Internet Details
      2. New Technologies
      3. Software Development
      4. Network Cabling
      5. All other files pertaining to the activities of IT Division
  4. Directory of Officers and employees.

    No of Officers - 52

    No of Workmen - 127

    Contact Nos. - (0480)-2713550

  5. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals held by the department for the discharge of its functions.

    The department discharges its functions in accordance with the instructions contained in the respective manuals and other rules and regulations issued by Government from time to time.

  6. Pay Scales of Different Category of Employees.

    Scale of Pay of Managerial & Supervisory Category of Employees of the Company

    Category Scale of Pay
    Junior Officer/Sales Executive/ Chemist/Analytic Chemist/PA to MD Rs.30700 - 65400
    Shift Engineer/Marketing Officer/ Accounts Officer/Purchase Officer/ Stores Officer/EDP Officer & Ist TBHG For JO/SE/CH/ACH/PA to MD Rs.35700 - 75600
    Assistant Manager Rs.40500 - 85000
    Deputy Manager Rs.45800 - 89000
    Company Secretary Rs.55350 - 101400
    Manager Rs.68700 - 110400
    Assistant General Manager Rs.77400 - 115200
    Deputy General Manager Rs.85000 - 117600

    Scale of Pay for Workmen Category

    Sl.No. Name of Post Scale of Pay
    1 Worker Grade II/Office Attendant Grade II Rs.16500 - 25200
    2 Store Keeper Grade II/Laboratory Attender Grade II/Cook-cum-Care Taker Grade II Rs.18000 - 27800
    3 Technician Grade II/ Operator Grade II/Boiler Operator Grade II/ Laboratory Assistant Grade II/ Driver Grade II Rs.18500 - 29900
    4 Worker Grade I/Office Attendant Grade I Rs.19000 - 33100
    5 Store Keeper Grade I/ Laboratory Attender Grade I/Cook-cum-Care Taker Grade I Rs.19500 - 33900
    6 Senior Worker/Senior Office Attendant Rs.20000 - 40500
    7 Junior Assistant/Time Keeper Grade II /Receptionist Grade II Rs.20550 - 41500
    8 Senior Store Keeper/ Senior Laboratory Attender/ Senior Cook-Cum-Care Taker Rs.21100 - 42500
    9 Technician Grade I/ Operator Grade I/Boiler Operator Grade I/ Laboratory Assistant Grade I/ Driver Grade I Rs.22200 - 43600
    10 Stenographer Grade II/ Confidential Assistant Grade II Rs.22800 - 44700
    11 Senior Technician/ Senior Operator/Senior Boiler Operator/ Senior Laboratory Assistant/ Senior Driver Rs.23400 - 48000
    12 Assistant/Timer Keeper Grade I /Receptionist Grade I Rs.26500 - 49200
    13 Stenographer Grade I/Confidential Assistant Grade I Rs.27800 - 50400
    14 Senior Assistant/Senior Time Keeper/Senior Receptionist Rs.27800 - 52800
    15 Senior Stenographer/Senior Confidential Assistant Rs.29200 - 54000